An automated processing pipeline for diffusion MRI in the Baby Connectome Project

Processing baby diffusion MRI (dMRI) data is challenging due to the low and spatially-varying diffusion anisotropy. Here, we present a fully-automated processing pipeline for baby dMRI, tailored particularly to the data collected in the Baby Connectome Project.

Wu Y., et al., ISMRM 2021

White matter tract atlas of the baby brain

The white matter of the baby brain changes dynamically during the first two years of life due to active neurodevelopment. Reconstructing tract streamlines in the baby brain using diffusion MRI is challenging due to the low and spatially-varying diffusion anisotropy. Leveraging a well-established computational pipeline for the WM tractography and fiber clustering, we create age-specific tract-based WM atlases

Wu Y., et al., OHBM 2020

White matter tract atlas of a century of human life

The brain’s white matter evolves at a rapid pace during childhood and adolescence, stabilizes during young and middle adulthood, and degenerates in late adulthood. Here, we introduce a set of white matter tract atlases spanning birth to 100 years of age, to facilitate quantification of WM changes across the entire human lifespan.

Wu Y., et al., OHBM 2021

Whole brain parcellation

A central goal in systems neuroscience is to parcellate the brain into discrete units that are neurobiologically coherent. Here, we propose a strategy for consistent whole-brain parcellation of white matter (WM) and gray matter (GM) in individuals. We parcellate the brain into coherent parcels using non-negative matrix factorization based on voxel annotation using fiber clusters. Experimental results indicate that parcellation using our approach is highly reproducible. This implies that reproducible parcellation can be obtained for subject-specific investigation of brain structure and function.

Wu Y., et al., MICCAI 2021